- Software and Utility
- Software and Utility
- Wireless
- Chipset
- Audio
- Software and Utility
- Others
- Wireless
- Chipset
- Audio
- VGA Drivers
- Card Reader
- Pointing Device
- Software and Utility
- Others
- Wireless
- Chipset
- VGA Drivers
- Pointing Device
- Bluetooth
- Software and Utility
- Others
- BIOS-Utilities
- Wireless
- Chipset
- Audio
- VGA Drivers
- Pointing Device
- Bluetooth
- Software and Utility
- BIOS-Utilities
Windows 8.1 64-bit
Software and Utility
V.V3.6.8 Date: 2019/04/08 ASUS LiveupdateUpdate ASUS Live Update APP to ver3.6.8
Windows 8.1 32-bit
Software and Utility
V.V3.6.8 Date: 2019/04/08 ASUS LiveupdateUpdate ASUS Live Update APP to ver3.6.8
Windows 8 32-bit
V.V10.0.0.77 Date: 2012/11/05 Azurewave Wireless Network Adapter DriverAzurewave Wireless Network Adapter Driver V10.0.0.77 for Windows 8. (WHQL)
If you want to upgrade your OS from Win 7 to Win 8,to prevent software compatibility issue, please uninstall the older version driver before install the newer version driver
V.V9.3.0.1021 Date: 2012/11/01 Chipset DriverChipset Driver for WIN8 (WHQL)
If you want to upgrade your OS from Win 7 to Win 8,to prevent software compatibility issue, please uninstall the older version driver before install the newer version driver
V.V6.0.1.6722 Date: 2012/11/05 Audio DriverAudio Driver V6.0.1.6722 for Windows 8 (WHQL).
If you want to upgrade your OS from Win 7 to Win 8,to prevent software compatibility issue, please uninstall the older version driver before install the newer version driver
Software and Utility
V.V3.6.8 Date: 2019/04/08 ASUS LiveupdateUpdate ASUS Live Update APP to ver3.6.8
V.V2.22 Date: 2012/11/05 SuperHybridEngineIf you want to upgrade your OS from Win 7 to Win 8,to prevent software compatibility issue, please uninstall the older version driver before install the newer version driver
V.V1.48 Date: 2012/11/05 Hotkey serviceIf you want to upgrade your OS from Win 7 to Win 8,to prevent software compatibility issue, please uninstall the older version driver before install the newer version driver
Windows 8 64-bit
V.V2.1.0.7 Date: 2012/11/05 Atheros Ethernet DriverAtheros Ethernet Driver V2.1.0.7 for Windows 8.(WHQL)
If you want to upgrade your OS from Win 7 to Win 8,to prevent software compatibility issue, please uninstall the older version driver before install the newer version driver
V.V10.0.0.77 Date: 2012/11/05 Azurewave Wireless Network Adapter DriverAzurewave Wireless Network Adapter Driver V10.0.0.77 for Windows 8. (WHQL)
If you want to upgrade your OS from Win 7 to Win 8,to prevent software compatibility issue, please uninstall the older version driver before install the newer version driver
V.V6.30.59.20 Date: 2012/11/05 AW-NB047 Wireless Network AdapterAW-NB047 Wireless Network Adapter for Windows 8.
If you want to upgrade your OS from Win 7 to Win 8,to prevent software compatibility issue, please uninstall the older version driver before install the newer version driver
V.V9.3.0.1021 Date: 2012/11/01 Chipset DriverChipset Driver for WIN8 (WHQL)
If you want to upgrade your OS from Win 7 to Win 8,to prevent software compatibility issue, please uninstall the older version driver before install the newer version driver
V.V6.0.1.6722 Date: 2012/11/05 Audio DriverAudio Driver V6.0.1.6722 for Windows 8 (WHQL).
If you want to upgrade your OS from Win 7 to Win 8,to prevent software compatibility issue, please uninstall the older version driver before install the newer version driver
VGA Drivers
V.V8.892.7 Date: 2012/12/03 AMD Graphic Driver V8.982.7AMD Graphic Driver V8.982.7 for Windows Win8 (WHQL).
If you want to upgrade your OS from Win 7 to Win 8,to prevent software compatibility issue, please uninstall the older version driver before install the newer version driver
Card Reader
V.V3.4.117.01527 Date: 2012/11/05 Cardreader DriverCardreader Driver V3.4.117.01527 for Windows 8 (WHQL).
If you want to upgrade your OS from Win 7 to Win 8,to prevent software compatibility issue, please uninstall the older version driver before install the newer version driver
Pointing Device
V.V16.1.8.0 Date: 2012/11/05 TouchPad DriverTouchPad Driver V16.1.8.0 for Windows 8 (WHQL).
If you want to upgrade your OS from Win 7 to Win 8,to prevent software compatibility issue, please uninstall the older version driver before install the newer version driver
V.V1.61.1.0 Date: 2012/11/05 USB 3.0 DriverUSB 3.0 Driver V1.61.1.0 for Windows 8 (WHQL).
If you want to upgrade your OS from Win 7 to Win 8,to prevent software compatibility issue, please uninstall the older version driver before install the newer version driver
V.V1.0.0.5 Date: 2012/11/05 ASUS KB Filter DriverASUS KB Filter Driver V1.0.0.5 for Windows 8.(WHQL)
If you want to upgrade your OS from Win 7 to Win 8,to prevent software compatibility issue, please uninstall the older version driver before install the newer version driver
Software and Utility
V.V3.6.8 Date: 2019/04/08 ASUS LiveupdateUpdate ASUS Live Update APP to ver3.6.8
V.V2.22 Date: 2012/11/05 SuperHybridEngineIf you want to upgrade your OS from Win 7 to Win 8,to prevent software compatibility issue, please uninstall the older version driver before install the newer version driver
V.V1.48 Date: 2012/11/05 Hotkey serviceIf you want to upgrade your OS from Win 7 to Win 8,to prevent software compatibility issue, please uninstall the older version driver before install the newer version driver
Windows 7 32-bit
V.0501 Date: 2012/03/29 BIOS 0501 for VX6S1.update EC to EPCE-023.
Always program charger IC even if it has been already enabled.
V.0403 Date: 2011/12/19 BIOS 0403firmware change for VX6S
V.0306 Date: 2011/10/08 BIOS 03061. fix run manufactory tool may hang during POST sometimes.
V.V1.0.2.43 Date: 2011/08/08 Atheros Ethernet DriverAtheros Ethernet Driver V1.0.2.43 for Windows 7.(WHQL)
V.V8.0.0.238 Date: 2011/08/08 Azurewave Wireless Network Adapter DriverAzurewave Wireless Network Adapter Driver V8.0.0.238 for Windows 7. (WHQL)
V.V5.100.82.34 Date: 2011/07/14 AW-NB047 Wireless Network AdapterAW-NB047 Wireless Network Adapter for Windows 7.
V.V9.1.1.1023 Date: 2011/10/20 Chipset DriverChipset Driver for WIN7 (WHQL)
VGA Drivers
V.V8.860.0.0 Date: 2011/10/20 AMD Graphic Driver V8.860.0.0 .AMD Graphic Driver V8.860.0.0 for Windows Win7 64bit—(WHQL).
Pointing Device
V.v15.3.6.0. Date: 2011/10/20 TouchPad Driver V15.3.6.0TouchPad Driver V15.3.6.0 for Windows Win7 64bit—(WHQL).
V.V2.0.20.0 Date: 2011/10/20 NEC USB 3.0 Driver V2.0.20.0NEC USB 3.0 Driver V2.0.20.0 for Windows Win7 64bit—(WHQL).
V.V1.12.9.0 Date: 2011/10/20 ASM USB 3.0 Driver V1.12.9.0ASM USB 3.0 Driver V1.12.9.0 for Windows Win7 64bit—(WHQL).
V.1.44 Date: 2011/10/17 Hotkey serviceHotkey service
V.V1.0.0.3 Date: 2010/09/15 ASUS KB Filter DriverASUS KB Filter Driver V1.0.0.3 for Windows 7.(WHQL)
V.V6_3_0_5500 Date: 2011/10/20 Bluetooth Driver V6.3.0.5500Bluetooth Driver V6.3.0.5500 for Windows Win7 64bit—(WHQL).
Software and Utility
V.V3.6.8 Date: 2019/04/08 ASUS LiveupdateUpdate ASUS Live Update APP to ver3.6.8
V.V1.0.0.23 Date: 2012/07/27 USB Charge+USB Charge+ V1.0.0. 23 Windows 7 and Windows 8. (Only support USB 3.0 model)
V. Date: 2011/10/20 USB Charge+UtilityUSB Charge+Utility for Win 7 OS
V.v2.0.4 Date: 2011/10/20 Instant_OnInstant_On
V.2.19 Date: 2011/08/23 SuperHybridEngine2_19SuperHybridEngine2_19
V.V1.06.03 Date: 2011/08/08 ASUS UpdateASUS Update V1.06.03 Install Program for Windows 7
V.V2.0.2.9 Date: 2011/03/09 ECam UtilityECam Utility for Win 7
V.V1.0.0.7 Date: 2011/03/09 CapsHook UtilityCapsHook Utility V1.0.0.7 for Windows 7.
V. Date: 2012/05/31 Asus ExpressGate Cloud OS
V.V2.7.55.298 Date: 2012/01/06 Asus ExpressGate Cloud OS
V.v1.18 Date: 2011/10/20 Flash BIOS ToolFlash BIOS tool V1.26 under DOS.
Windows 7 64-bit
V.0501 Date: 2012/03/29 BIOS 0501 for VX6S1.update EC to EPCE-023.
Always program charger IC even if it has been already enabled.
V.0403 Date: 2011/12/19 BIOS 0403firmware change for VX6S
V.0306 Date: 2011/10/08 BIOS 03061. fix run manufactory tool may hang during POST sometimes.
V.V1.0.2.43 Date: 2011/08/08 Atheros Ethernet DriverAtheros Ethernet Driver V1.0.2.43 for Windows 7.(WHQL)
V.V8.0.0.238 Date: 2011/08/08 Azurewave Wireless Network Adapter DriverAzurewave Wireless Network Adapter Driver V8.0.0.238 for Windows 7. (WHQL)
V.V9.1.1.1023 Date: 2011/10/20 Chipset DriverChipset Driver for WIN7 (WHQL)
V.V6.0.1.6438 Date: 2011/10/20 Audio Driver V6.0.1.6438Audio Driver V6.0.1.6438 for Windows Win7 64bit—(WHQL).
VGA Drivers
V.V8.860.0.0 Date: 2011/10/20 AMD Graphic Driver V8.860.0.0 .AMD Graphic Driver V8.860.0.0 for Windows Win7 64bit—(WHQL).
Pointing Device
V.v15.3.6.0. Date: 2011/10/20 TouchPad Driver V15.3.6.0TouchPad Driver V15.3.6.0 for Windows Win7 64bit—(WHQL).
V.V2.0.20.0 Date: 2011/10/20 NEC USB 3.0 Driver V2.0.20.0NEC USB 3.0 Driver V2.0.20.0 for Windows Win7 64bit—(WHQL).
V.V1.12.9.0 Date: 2011/10/20 ASM USB 3.0 Driver V1.12.9.0ASM USB 3.0 Driver V1.12.9.0 for Windows Win7 64bit—(WHQL).
V.1.44 Date: 2011/10/17 Hotkey serviceHotkey service
V.V1.0.0.3 Date: 2010/09/15 ASUS KB Filter DriverASUS KB Filter Driver V1.0.0.3 for Windows 7.(WHQL)
V.V6_3_0_5500 Date: 2011/10/20 Bluetooth Driver V6.3.0.5500Bluetooth Driver V6.3.0.5500 for Windows Win7 64bit—(WHQL).
Software and Utility
V.V3.6.8 Date: 2019/04/08 ASUS LiveupdateUpdate ASUS Live Update APP to ver3.6.8
V. Date: 2011/10/20 USB Charge+UtilityUSB Charge+Utility for Win 7 OS
V.v2.0.4 Date: 2011/10/20 Instant_OnInstant_On
V.V1.06.03 Date: 2011/08/08 ASUS UpdateASUS Update V1.06.03 Install Program for Windows 7
V.V2.0.2.9 Date: 2011/03/09 ECam UtilityECam Utility for Win 7
V.V1.0.0.7 Date: 2011/03/09 CapsHook UtilityCapsHook Utility V1.0.0.7 for Windows 7.
V.v1.18 Date: 2011/10/20 Flash BIOS ToolFlash BIOS tool V1.26 under DOS.
V.V10.1.0.1008 Date: 2011/10/20 AHCI Driver V10.1.0.1008 for Windows Win7 64bit—(WHQL).AHCI Driver V10.1.0.1008 for Windows Win7 64bit—(WHQL).